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WildFly 8 Book

JBoss Administration Wildfly book guide
JBoss Administration Wildfly book guide

Published: January 2014

Author: Francesco Marchioni

Pages: 290

 eBook (PDF) Price: 14.99 €

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Updated to WildFly 8.2.0 !

The only WildFly book that is constantly updated.

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{tab Description|blue}

JBoss Application server is the most popular open-source Java application server, renamed from this release and on as WildFly. This book covers all details on administration and management aspect of this new exciting version of the application server. Focusing exclusively on the management instruments of the application server, the book takes you through all of the latest architectural and performance changes. You’ll progress from basic server configuration to more advanced techniques for clustering, JDBC connectivity, logging, and much more.

What you will learn from this book:

  • How to install the application server on Windows and Unix/Linux systems including details for installing it as a service
  • Steps for packaging and deploying web applications
  • Configuring the services stack, including the new Undertow Web subsystem
  • Deploying Wildfly 8 with the Apache Web server and mod_cluster
  • Load balancing and clustering a farm of Wildfly 8 servers
  • Monitoring Wildfly 8 servers in real-time by tapping into internally maintained statistics
  • Secure applications and encrypt their communication

{tab Table of Contents|green}

Chapter 1: Installation
What is new in WildFly 8?
Installing WildFly 1
A look into the application server file system
Starting WildFly
Your first task: create an user to manage WildFly
Stopping Wildfly
Installing WildFly as Service

Chapter 2 Core Server configuration
The two available server modes
Understanding the server configuration file
Configuring WildFly in Standalone mode
Configuring WildFly in Domain mode
Choosing between standalone mode and domain mode
Managing the WildFly domain

Chapter 3 Deploying applications
File system deployment
Deploying using the Web interface
Deploying the application using the CLI
Deploying applications using Maven

Chapter 4 Configuring DataBase connectivity
Configuring a Datasource using the Administration console
Creating a Datasource using the Command Line Interface
Configure the XA Datasource
Configuring a Datasource as a deployable resource
Advanced Datasource configuration

Chapter 5 Configuring Webserver & EJB Container
Entering Undertow Web server
Configuring the Undertow server Pool
Configuring the Undertow IO Buffer Pool
Configuring the EJB container

Chapter 6 Configure Logging
WildFly default logging configuration
Configuring Log Handlers
Filtering Logs
Configuring the Root Logger
Configuring Logging Categories
Other Logging configuration files

Chapter 7 Configuring JMS Services
HornetQ building blocks
Configuring JMS Connections
Creating JMS Destinations
Configuring Message Persistence
Routing Messages to other destinations
JMS Clustering
Advanced JMS Clustering with data replication

Chapter 8 Classloading and modules
What are modules ?
Patching the application server modules
Configuring static modules
Configuring dynamic modules
Configuring module Dependencies
Advanced Classloading policies

Chapter 9 WildFly clustering
WildFly clustering building blocks
Clustering standalone nodes
Configuring a cluster of domain nodes
Configuring the cluster transport
Configuring clustering caches
Changes in clustering from an AS7 perspective
Managing the Cache Storage: File Store and JDBC Cache store

Chapter 10 LoadBalancing applications
Configuring Apache mod_jk
Configuring mod_cluster
Advanced mod_cluster configuration
Configuring HA for remote EJB clients

Chapter 11 Application Server Management with CLI
Starting the Command Line
Using the CLI
Construct the CLI commands
Advanced CLI features
Taking snapshots of your configuration
Running the CLI in graphical mode

Chapter 12 Securing WildFly
Introducing Security
WildFly Security Domains
Configuring Role Based Access Control
Configuring HTTPS using the Undertow subsystem

{tab Book Updates|blue}

Don’t fear to be left off from upcoming changes ! By purchasing the WildFly 8 Administration guide you have included in the price many free book updates! The next book update is scheduled for December 2014, so don’t forget to visit us and you will get a lovely present from us this Christmas !

Current version of the eBook 1.3 ( Updated 7 December 2014)

No new updates available now.

{tab The Author|red}

The Author 
Francesco Marchioni is an OpenGroup and Sun Certified Enterprise Architect employed for an Italian company based in Rome. Over the past 5 years, he has started an IT portal focused on JBoss products ( and has authored the following titles:

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You can buy the Print Version of the eBook at Lulu BookStore.

Print Book Price: 29,99 €
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Additionally, an excerpt from Chapter 5 is available on Java Code Geeks.

Special Offer !

Price: 24,99 € for two eBooks (PDF)

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Enterprise Application Server Cookbook

Enterprise application servers cookbook jboss websphere weblogic
Enterprise application servers cookbook jboss websphere weblogic

Published: September 2013

Author: Francesco Marchioni

Pages: 606

 eBook (PDF) Price: 9.99 €

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{tab Description|blue}

Who dares to learn the three most popular application servers in a week ? this book is the perfect guide for learning about the core Industry middleware products with practical 5 minute recipes and detailed comparison between each product.

Some answers that you will find here include: What is the difference between a JBoss AS domain and an Oracle Weblogic domain ? How do you bundle a datasource along with your application in all three application servers ? How to configure an application that runs without an hitch on all application servers ? What about failover and HA? How to port a WAS clustered application to JBoss EAP or viceversa ? Talking about second level cache, how do you activate it on each application server ? Three one minute recipes to install and configure a development environment ….

These are only a few examples of the many recipes that you will find in this 600 pages book!

More in detail here is how the book is organized:

  • Part I discusses about Oracle Weblogic Server, which is one of the core components of Oracle Fusion Middleware
  • Part II is about JBoss Enterprise Application Platform the commercial product from Red Hat derived from the popular open source application server (JBoss AS).
  • Part III discusses about IBM Websphere which is the IBM product for developing and running Java enterprise software.

Each part is in turn divided into 11 Chapters which are re-iterated on each application server in order to provide an immediate comparison and quick reference to all aspects related to the configuration, administration and management of the application servers.  

{tab Table of Contents|green}

Chapter 1, Application server installation: How to download and install Oracle WLS, JBoss EAP and IBM Websphere. 
Chapter 2, Application server Configuration: The application server file system and its core components. How to perform basic management operations.
Chapter 3, Configuring Database connectivity: How to configure a data source connection to a Database. How to define the scope of a data source (server level / application level) on each application server.
Chapter 4, Application servers pool configuration: Configuring the core pool services including EJB pool and caches, Thread pools and Web server pool configuration. 
Chapter 5, Configuring Logs: locating the application server’s logs. Customizing the logging type and format. How to apply application servers’ specific logging extensions . 
Chapter 6, Setting up Java Messaging Service: Configuring JMS on each application server, leveraging the built-in JMS provider features. 
Chapter 7, Developing applications: How to install a development environment for each application server. Common development best practices to increase applications’ portability. 
Chapter 8, Deploying applications: How to deploy Java EE applications using different management instruments. Activating auto-deploy feature on each application server.
Chapter 9, Clustering: how to configure multiple application nodes working together to provide increased scalability and reliability. 
Chapter 10, Advanced Server Management: learning to use the built-in command line instruments in order to provide advanced management functionalities
Chapter 11, Security: introducing Security concepts. How to configure authentication and authorization services. Managing secure communication via the Secure Socket Layer protocol.
Appendix, The Appendix of the book contains some extra goodies for you, such as a reference for generating security keys for your application (referenced in Chapter 11) a quick set up guide for comnfiguring OpenLdap (referenced as well in Chapter 11) and finally an Administration cheat sheet is included for each application server which contains the most common administration checkpoints for a quick reference.

{tab The Author|red}

The Author 
Francesco Marchioni is an OpenGroup and Sun Certified Enterprise Architect employed for an Italian company based in Rome. Over the past 5 years, he has started an IT portal focused on JBoss products ( and has authored the following titles:


{tab Print Version|grey}
The Print version of the eBook is available on Lulu bookstore. Print Book Price: 29,99 €

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

