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Oracle Weblogic Configuration File

WLS core configuration file, named config.xml, is located in the config folder of your domain:


Although this file is a well-formed XML document (that you can modify using a text editor), you should think of it as a database that you would only directly update under unusual circumstances. It contains the core configuration parameter settings for each server, cluster and resource in the domain. As you can see from the following code snippet, the Java EE resources such as data sources and JMS resources are included in a separate XML file respectively in the jdbc and jms subfolders:

<domain>     <name>base_domain</name>    <domain-version></domain-version>  . . . . .    <jms-system-resource>      <name>SystemModule-0</name>      <target>WLSNode1,AdminServer</target>      <descriptor-file-name>jms/systemmodule-0-jms.xml</descriptor-file-name>    </jms-system-resource>       <jdbc-system-resource>      <name>Oracle Datasource</name>      <target>WLSCluster</target>      <descriptor-file-name>jdbc/Oracle_Datasource-7849-jdbc.xml</descriptor-file-name>    </jdbc-system-resource>  . . . . .  </domain>

 In the next recipes we will show some more details about the Web administration console.

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Starting Weblogic Administration Server

The first step in learning the server administration is obviously starting the administration server. Move to your domain’s “bin” folder which is located at:


Supposing that you have chosen”C:\Weblogic” as middleware home and elected “base_domain” as your domain:

cd C:\Weblogic\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin  C:\Weblogic\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin>startWebLogic.cmd

. . . ..
<20-lug-2012 10.06.40 CEST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <The server started in RUNNING mode.>

Once the server is started you can enter into its core management instrument, which is the Web Console. The console is accessible, by default, at the following HTTP address:

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Since the Web administration console is deployed on demand, the first time you will try to access it the browser will put you on waiting for a minute.

oracle weblogic book oracle weblogic booksAt this point, you can log in using the administration credentials that you have supplied during the installation. If you have accidentally lost your administration password, turn to the last recipe of this book (In Chapter 11) which describes how to replace it with a new one.

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Oracle Weblogic Filesystem

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Oracle WLS file system

Once installed Oracle WLS and having set up your first domain, you should have a well-defined structure available on your file system which starts from the MW_HOME and contains the following subfolders below it:

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The domains folder contains all the domains you have created. Each domain in turn contains the following directory structure:

  • autodeploy: In development mode, WLS automatically deploys any applications or modules that you place in this directory.
  • bin: This directory contains the scripts that are used for starting and stopping the Administration Server and the Managed Servers in the domain.
  • config: The configuration of the domain is contained here in a file named config.xml. This directory contains some additional folder such as:
    • jdbc: used to store data source XML configurations.
    • jms: used to store JMS specific XML configurations.
    • deployments: used internally by WLS to store deployments in staging mode.
  • console-ext: This directory contains extensions which can be applied to the Administration Console.
  • init-info: This directory contains files that are used for Weblogic domain provisioning. You should not modify any file in this directory.
  • lib: Any JAR file that you put in this directory is added to the JVM classpath of each server instance in the domain.
  • pending: This directory contains the domain configuration files that represent the configuration changes that have been requested, but not yet activated.
  • security: This directory holds the Administration server security files and security-related files that are shared in your domain.
  • servers: This folder contains the subdirectories for the Administration and Managed Servers. Each of these folders, contain data that is specific to each server instance.
  • tmp: Used internally for temporarily storing files. 










Additionally, the MW_HOME directory contains some folders shared by your WLS distribution such as wlserver which hosts the following directories:

  • common: this folder contains several core script files into its bin subfolder which are used for domain creation ( ), template creation ( and to start the wlst scripting tool ( ).
  • endorsed: contains some XML parsing libraries which can be added to the JDK through the standard endorsing mechanism
  • server: this folder contains some installation specific core files. Within its bin folder, you can find some shells, the most relevant one is startNodeManagerthat is used to manage remotely your Managed servers. Within the lib folder you can find the WLS core libraries (such as weblogic.jar), the default server certificates, and the JDBC drivers among the others.