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Accessing Work Managers in your applications

As we have seen, Weblogic Work Managers provide a server-level configuration that allows administrators a way to set dispatch-policies to their Servlets and EJBs.

WebLogic Server also provides a programmatic way of handling work from within an application. This can be carried out via the CommonJ API. Weblogic Server implements the and commonj.timers packages to handle concurrent programming of EJBs and Servlets.

The following code example shows how to lookup a CommonJ Work Manager (bound in the JNDI name “java:comp/env/wm/myWM”) and use it in a Servlet:

public class HelloWorldServlet extends HttpServlet {     public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)        throws IOException {        PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();        try {           InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();           WorkManager wm = (WorkManager)ic.lookup              ("java:comp/env/wm/myWM");                wm.schedule(new Work(){           public void run() {           ExecuteThread th = (ExecuteThread) Thread.currentThread();           System.out.println("Self-tuning workmanager: " +             th.getWorkManager().getName());           }           public void release() {}           public boolean isDaemon() {return false;}           });        }        catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();  }        out.println("<h4>Servlet responded!</h4>");        System.out.println("finished execution");      }  }


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Creating Request Class for your WorkManagers

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A Request class expresses a scheduling guideline that WebLogic Server uses to allocate threads to requests. Request classes help ensure that high priority work is scheduled before less important work, even if the high priority work is submitted after the lower priority work. There are three types of Request classes you can apply to your modules:

  • Fair Share Request Class: Specifies the average thread use-time required to process requests. The default is 50.
  • Response Time Request Class: Specifies a response time goal in milliseconds.
  • Context Request Class: Assigns request classes to requests based on context information.


You can configure a new Request Class from the Console or using Weblogic descriptors.

Let’s see how to create a Response Goal and associate it with your Work Manager configuration:

1.       Select in the left Panel: Environment | Work Manager and click on “New”. Now choose the Request class that you want to create (for example a Response Time Request class).

2.       In the next screen, enter the Request class Name and the Response Goal desired, as depicted by the following picture:

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3.       Now you can select your Request class in your Work Manager Configuration, by selecting the Request class Combo Box. Alternatively, clicking on the “New” button will let you define a new Request Class:

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Response time goals are not applied to individual requests. Instead, WebLogic Server computes a tolerable waiting time for requests with that class by subtracting the observed average thread use-time from the response time goal, and schedules requests so that the average wait for requests with the class is proportional to its tolerable waiting time.

For example, if ModuleA has a Response Time Goal of 500 ms and ModuleB has a Response Time Goal of 1000 ms, even if the actual average response times for ModuleA and ModuleB might be higher or lower than the response time goals, it will be a common fraction or multiple of the stated goal. So, if the average response time for ModuleA requests is 1,000 ms., then the average response time for ModuleB requests is 2,000 ms.

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Adding Capacity Constraints to your applications

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While the Max Threads Constraint is able to guarantee the maximum number of threads to be allocated, a Capacity constraint causes the server to reject requests when it has reached its capacity. Requests that are over the capacity constraint will result in a “503 error” code. You can configure a new Capacity Constraint from the Console or using Weblogic descriptors.

Here’s how to do it with the Oracle Weblogic Console:

1.       Select in the left Panel: Environment | Work Manager. Click on “New” and choose “Capacity Constraint”. The following screen will be displayed:

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2.       Enter a Name and a Count attribute, which determines the number of requests to be queued before issuing a 503 error code. Save your Capacity Constraint.

3.       Now move to your Work Manager Configuration tab and associate the Work Manager with the Capacity Constraint (formerly created) in the combo box:

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Using WorkManagers in your applications

If you do not explicitly assign a Work Manager to an application, it will use the default Weblogic Work Manager. A module can be assigned to your custom Work Manager by using the <dispatch-policy> element in the deployment descriptor. As an alternative, you can define new Work Managers in your deployment descriptors through the <work-manager> element and associate as well constraints to them. Let’s see how to apply both approaches for all supported descriptors (weblogic.xml, weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, weblogic-application.xml):

Applying a Work Manager in your Web applications (weblogic.xml)

If you want to apply your Work Manager policies in your Web applications, you can reference it through the wl-dispatch-policy element in the weblogic.xml file. In the following example, we are using the ExampleWM (that we have formerly created through the Web console):

<weblogic-web-app xmlns="">     <wl-dispatch-policy>ExampleWM</wl-dispatch-policy>  </weblogic-web-app>

Web applications can even reference a Work Manager at more granular level, such as at Servlet level, by setting the parameter wl-dispatch-policy as init parameter of your servlet. In the following example, we are associating the ExampleWM Work Manager with Servlet “WorkServlet”:

<web-app>   <servlet>     <servlet-name>WorkServlet</servlet-name>     <servlet-class>workservlet.WorkServlet</servlet-class>     <init-param>                           <param-name>wl-dispatch-policy</param-name>       <param-value>ExampleWM</param-value>     </init-param>   </servlet>  </web-app>

Applying a Work Manager in your EJBs (weblogic-ejb-jar.xml)

Work Manager can be as well bound to a specific EJB application by mentioning it into the dispatch-policy element of the weblogic-ejb.jar.xml. In the following example, we are binding the ExampleWM to our WorkEJB:

<weblogic-ejb-jar>     <weblogic-enterprise-bean>        <ejb-name>WorkEJB</ejb-name>        <jndi-name>core_work_ejb_workbean_WorkEJB</jndi-name>        <dispatch-policy>ExampleWM</dispatch-policy>     </weblogic-enterprise-bean>  </weblogic-ejb-jar>

Applying a Work Manager in your application (weblogic-application.xml)

If you want to define a Work Manager and use it across all modules contained in EAR, then you can define it into the WLS Enterprise application descriptor named weblogic-application.xml file. In the following example, we are defining a Work Manager named JEEScopedWorkManager with Min and Max constraints:

<weblogic-application>    <max-threads-constraint>      <name>j2ee_maxthreads</name>      <count>50</count>   </max-threads-constraint>    <min-threads-constraint>      <name>j2ee_minthreads</name>      <count>1</count>   </min-threads-constraint>    <work-manager>      <name>JEEScopedWorkManager</name>   </work-manager> </weblogic-application>
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How to create a WorkManager

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In this recipe, we will show how to create a new Oracle Weblogic Work Manager:

1.       From the Console left panel, select Environment | Work Manager and click on “New”: the following screen will display:

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2.       Select “Work Manager” and, in the next window, enter the Name for the Work manager (e.g. “ExampleWM”):

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3.       Click Next and select the target Managed server instances(s) or clusters for the Work Manager:

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Hit Finish. Your Work Manager is now created.

Adding Constraints to your Work Manager

As it is, the Work Manager is an empty box. No worries, we will soon add ingredients to it starting from a Min and MaxConstraints.

From the Console left panel, select Environment | Work Manager and click on “New”: this time we will select to add a new Minimum threads constraint.
The Minimum threads constraint takes an integer value that specifies the number of threads that should be assigned to this constraint to prevent server-to-server deadlocks. In the following example we are setting a minimum number of 5 threads to allocate:

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Return to the Work Manager menu and choose to add a new Maximum threads constraint. The Maximum threads constraint can be used to limit the maximum number of concurrent threads given to all Work Managers that share the constraint. Here we are setting a maximum limit of 20 thread units:

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Have you noticed the Data Source option? Actually there are cases when the administrator/developer knows that the maximum number of concurrent threads is bound by the maximum capacity of the JDBC connection pool. For example, all servlet or EJB requests that use a common JDBC connection pool are bound by its maximum pool size. In such circumstances, it is possible to define a maximum threads constraint that refers to the JDBC connection pool. This maximum threads constraint is then shared by all Work Manager affected by the connection pool size.

Now let’s assign the two constraints to the Work Manager. Select the ExampleWM and choose the “Configuration” tab. From there, you can apply the Constraints we defined to the Work Manager as depicted by the following picture:

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 Please note that if you check the option “Ignore Stuck Threads” Oracle Weblogic will not reckon long running processes (that is taking more than a specified time) as stuck and enable to finish the process.

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WeblogicWorkManager configuration

Every application server makes use of thread pool to serve client requests. Weblogic has an advanced mechanism to manage its threads named Work Manager. The Work Manager effectively allows your applications to run concurrently in multiple threads and create rules/guidelines to follow when assigning requests to threads.

At run-time, WebLogic Server uses these guidelines to connect the pending work/requests to execution threads. Each request in the execution queue has a sort of ranking which is determined by its priority.

The default Work Manager which ships with Oracle Weblogic distribution should be sufficient for most basic applications; however, mission critical applications might want to customize the default Work Manager configuration. Essentially, there are three types of Work Managers, each one characterized by its scope and usage rules. The three types are:

  • The default Work Manager
  • Global Work Managers
  • Application-scoped Work Managers

Weblogic Default Work Manager

At the highest level, in order to handle its thread management and perform self-tuning, Weblogic uses the default Work Manager. This Work Manager is used by an application when no other Work Managers are specified in the application’s deployment descriptors. In most cases, the Default Work Manager will be just enough; you can however override its behavior by creating and configuring a Global Work Manager named “default” (see recipe “Creating a Work Manager”). This allows you to control the default thread-handling behavior of Weblogic Server.

Global Work Manager

Global Work Managers have the scope of the domain. You can create them in the WebLogic Administration Console (see recipe “Creating a Work Manager”). This kind of Work Manager will apply to all applicationsdeployed on the application server.

Application Scoped Work Manager

You can also create Work Managers at application level by specifying them in the following descriptors:

  • weblogic-application.xml
  • weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
  • weblogic.xml

If you do not explicitly assign a Work Manager to an application, it uses the default Work Manager.

See the Section “Using Work Managers in your applications” to learn how to define and reference Work Managers in Weblogic deployment descriptors.

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Configuring Weblogic EJB pools and cache

As for any Java EE compatible application server, Oracle Weblogic ships with an EJB container that maintains a pool of stateless session beans to avoid creating and destroying instances. As for the Stateful counterpart, Oracle WLS creates SFSBs instances as they are needed to service client requests. Between requests, these instances reside in a bean-specific cache in the active state, ready for the next request. Both types of EJB endpoints can be configured through an Oracle WSL custom deployment descriptor named weblogic-ejb-jar.xml that is used to override or enhance the configuration provided by the standard ejb-jar.xml file. Next section will show how to do it:

Configuring Oracle Weblogic Stateless EJB pool

The stateless pool configuration is composed of two parameters: a lower and an upper bound.

  • The upper bound is specified by the max-beans-in-free-pool parameter. It should be set equal to the number of threads expected to invoke the EJB concurrently. Using a too small value will impact concurrency. 
  • The lower bound is specified by the initial-beans-in-free-pool parameter. Increasing the value of initial-beans-in-free-pool increases as well the startup time for the server. The advantage is that the cost of creating EJB instances is not incurred at run time.

Both elements can be defined as part of the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml within a “pool” stanza:

<weblogic-enterprise-bean>     <ejb-name>MessageExporterSessionEJB</ejb-name>        <stateless-session-descriptor>           <pool>              <max-beans-in-free-pool>10</max-beans-in-free-pool>              <initial-beans-in-free-pool>10</initial-beans-in-free-pool>           </pool> . . . .  </weblogic-enterprise-bean>

Configuring Oracle Weblogic Stateful EJB cache

The size of the SFSB cache, is on the other hand, defined by the max-beans-in-cache element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor file. The default value is 1000. Here’s a sample configuration which limits this value to 200 units:

<weblogic-enterprise-bean>      <ejb-name>AccountBean</ejb-name>      <stateful-session-descriptor>          <stateful-session-cache>              <max-beans-in-cache>200</max-beans-in-cache>              <idle-timeout-seconds>1200</idle-timeout-seconds>          </stateful-session-cache>      </stateful-session-descriptor>  </weblogic-enterprise-bean>

You should set this value to the expected number of concurrent stateful EJB clients in order to avoid excessive bean passivation and activation. Consider that setting this value too high will consume memory unnecessarily.