Published: December 2015 Updated: April 2020 Author: Francesco Marchioni Pages: 403 eBook (PDF) Price: 9.99 € {quicksell file=”” price=”9.99″ title=”WildFly Administration Guide” currency=”” customPayPal=”” emailDelivery=”on” requireRegistration=”” discount_rate=”” return_url=”” notification_email=”” rm=”” cbt=”” sub=”” addToCart=”on”}css_buttons/00001{/quicksell} |
The #1 WildFly Administration Guide just got better!
The ultimate and most up-to-date guide to manage WildFly appication server (PDF + MOBI included)
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{tab Description|blue}
WildFly is the most popular open-source Java application server. This book is an in-depth guide to the administration and management of the of the application server, covering all of the latest architectural and management changes such as:
- How to achieve High Availability of your WildFly cluster
- How to configure the newest subsystems (agroal, mp subsystems)
- Delivering advanced and leak-proof Datasource configuration
- Provisioning custom Server distributions with Galleon tool.
- Using the Undertow Web server as front-end for mod_cluster and as Reverse Proxy Server
- Migrating your older legacy configurations to WildFly newer subsystems
- Securing the application server with Elytron Framework
- Configuring a robust JMS cluster with Apache Artemis MQ
- Running WildFly in the cloud with Openshift and CRC
- Configuring Eclipse Micro Profiles
- and much more, with improved online examples!
{tab Table of Contents|green}
Chapter 1, Installing WildFly: covers the installation of the server platform and introduces the reader to the most significant changes from the earliest release of the application server up to the latest one.
Chapter 2, Basic server configuration: discusses the core configuration of the application server both in standalone mode and in domain mode, including detailed steps to setup a suggested domain configuration topology.
Chapter 3, Server Management with the Web console: covers the Web based administration interface that can be used to manage the application server.
Chapter 4, Server Management with the CLI: introduces the reader to the Command Line Interface which is the recommended management tool.
Chapter 5, Advanced CLI: features covers some advanced tasks that can be pursued with the CLI such as batch scripts, suspending server execution, executing commands in offline mode and more.
Chapter 6, Deploying applications: encompasses in detail all available options to deploy Java Enterprise applications on the application server.
Chapter 7, Database connectivity: is about configuring connections to relational databases by installing JDBC Drivers and Datasources.
Chapter 8, Configuring Undertow: discusses about the new Web server implementation named Undertow
Chapter 9, Configuring Enterprise subsystems covers the core subsystems which are the backbone of Enterprise applications (ejb, ee, jaxrs, singleton, naming, batch-jberet, mail).
Chapter 10, Configuring Logging: covers the configuration of log subsystem, including all available log handlers, and best practices to log to your own requirements
Chapter 11, JMS Configuration: is about the nuts and bolts of WildFly’s JMS provider which is now ActiveMQ Artemis messaging system.
Chapter 12, Application Server classloading: is a deep dive into the application server’s modular kernel and how to configure it to load libraries needed by your applications. The chapter also covers the Galleon tool and how it can be used to provision custom versions of the application server.
Chapter 13, Clustering: covers the application server clustering capabilities that serve as an essential component to provide scalability and high availability to your applications.
Chapter 14, Load Balancing Web Applications: discusses the other key concern of clustering, that is the ability to make several servers participate in the same service and do the same work.
Chapter 15, Securing WildFly with Elytron: covers all the nuts and bolds the new Elytron Security subsystem
Chapter 16, Legacy Security: covers the foundation of the application server Security framework using the Legacy Security Framework
Chapter 17, RBAC and other Constraints: covers aspects of the application server security, such as Role Based Access Control which are not specific to the security framework adopted (Elytron/legacy)
Chapter 18, Taking WildFly in the cloud: shows how to deploy the application server in the cloud (OpenShift), including some basic container tasks and advanced tactics.
Chapter 19, Configuring MicroProfile capabilities: introduces the new MicroProfile extensions, which is an essential feature if you are developing portable services to be executed in container environments.
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The Author
Francesco Marchioni is working at Red Hat since 2015. Over the past 12 years, he has started an IT portal focused on JBoss products ( and has authored the following titles:
- JBoss AS 5 Development, Packt Publishing (December 2009)
- JBoss AS 5 Performance Tuning, Packt Publishing (December 2010)
- JBoss AS 7 Configuration, Deployment, and Administration, Packt Publishing (December 2011)
- Infinispan Data Grid Platform, Packt Publishing (June 2012) co-authored with Manik Surtani (Infinispan Project lead)
- JBoss AS 7 Development, Packt Publishing (June 2013)
- Enterprise Application Servers CookBook, ItBuzzPress (September 2013)
- WildFly Performance Tuning, ItBuzzPress (December 2018)
- Hands-On Cloud-Native Applications with Java and Quarkus (December 2019)
- Practical Enterprise Development, ItBuzzPress (September 2020)
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