Creating JMS Destinations
From the JMS module Configuration screen(Services | Messaging | JMS Modules | [your module]) click on New and select a new Queue from the options:
Click Next. In the following screen enter the mandatory destination Name and its JNDI Name:
Click Next. On the following screen, you will be able to create a new Subdeployment for the system module resource.
A Subdeployment for JMS destinations is a mechanism by which queues, topics and connection factories are grouped and targeted to a single JMS server. By using Subdeployments, you will be able to re-locate a group of queues with a connection factory that is targeted to a specific JMS server, by associating the queues with the connection factory’s Subdeployment.
Therefore, if you choose to create a new Subdeployment, in the next screen you will be asked to choose a name to identify your Subdeployment:
Click Ok and you will be redirected to the earlier step with the new Subdeployment now selected, and your JMS Server as the target:
Click Finish. The JMS Summary of Resources will show your new Queue resource.
You can continue creating new JMS destinations, such as Topics, by clicking “New” again and following the same procedure that we have just showed. Be sure to assign also the other JMS destinations to the same Subdeployment unit.